Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Terer?

Terer is a platform that allows you to subscribe to your favourite outlets at a discounted rate. Subscription deals we offer can only be redeemed at the store.

Where can I use Terer?

At selected merchant stores

How does Terer work?

Download Terer App, browse and subscribe to Terer deals. Redeem your purchase at the merchant store.

How do I redeem?

Walk into the store and use your phone and redeem your item.

What can I refund?

All Terer deals are non-refundable once purchased. You are only allowed to request for a refund of your redemption.

There is something wrong with my redemption. What can I do?

If you are experiencing difficulties redeeming or would like to report a store please drop us an email support@terer.co , we will be happy to investigate and compensate accordingly.

What happens when my redemption expires?

All expired subscriptions are voided automatically and cannot be refunded. Expiration dates are fixed upon purchase and cannot be extended. If a redemption expires because of an error please drop us an email, we will be happy to investigate and compensate accordingly.